Friday, 28 November 2014

Regional Identity

The mock paper will ask you to analyse the representation of regional identity in an extract.
What we mean by regional identity is the characteristics that are recognised outside of that region, such as identifiable accents, manners, customs, costume/clothing. For example, you can tell the difference between someone from Liverpool or Newcastle and someone from London. Other regional differences could be between rural life and urban or city life. It is also necessary to be aware that these stereotypes can be challenged and don't always reinforce the typical stereotype.

Ensure that you relate all of your micro analysis (discussion of use of camera, sound, editing etc) to wider representations of regional identity in the extract. Be careful of sweeping generalisations or attaching universal symbolism to colours of clothes for example. Look at these ideas within the context of the extract.

You will have 1hr 15mins to complete the task.

Good luck!!

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